Our database contains more than 13,000 local businesses from Bellingham and other cities across Whatcom County. Every month we connect thousands of users from Bellingham, Blaine, Ferndale, Lynden and other cities with trusted local businesses in their area. We daily update whatcomlocal.com to provide the most accurate information about businesses in Whatcom County.
Whatcom Local in numbers
Whatcom Local is owned by Names and Numbers. Names and Numbers has more than 50 printed directories across the US and Canada and online directories that can be accessed anywhere.
Bellingham is a coastal city in Washington State, near the Canadian border. It’s a port for ferries to Alaska.
Ferndale is a city in Whatcom County, Washington. The population was 11,415 at the 2010 census.
Lynden is the second largest city in Whatcom County, Washington, United States. It is 15 miles north of Bellingham.
Blaine is a city in Whatcom County, WA. The city's northern boundary is the Canada–US border.
Everson is a city in Whatcom County, Washington, United States. The population was 2,481 at the 2010 census.
Deming is a census-designated place in Whatcom County, Washington, along the Nooksack River.