Company Description
Bark And Purr Pet Sitting from Blaine, WA. Company specialized in: Pet Training.
Call us for more - (360) 656-6958
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Emily N.
on Facebook
02 Mar 2016
pet sitting
$123,456 - Bellingham, Washington
Any bham pet sitters with good reviews and prices? Our schedule doesn't always make it fair for our pups so we're looking for someone to take him out, keep him company, and get him some exercise a few days a week. The only catch is the hours. Some days he may need to be dropped off before 9am or picked up closer to 10pm. Schedule won't be set in stone unfortunately, but you would know what days we need you 2 weeks in advance. Places that we've researched have specific hours and that makes it challenging. Message me or comment here with ideas and suggestions. Thanks!
EDIT we want him out of the house and getting exercise. So those who only come to our home to take care of pets won't work for us. Thanks!
2nd EDIT just to re-alliterate, most of the days we will need a sitter will be for long days. Potentially 8-9 hours with a drop off time of 830 am or pick up of 10 pm.
Bark And Purr Pet Sitting
8697 Ashbury Ct Blaine, WA
(360) 656-6958