Company Description
RCG or the Ryan Consulting Group is the leading global provider of the Toyota Production System or Lean Enterprise. We have been providing business, manufacturing and engineering solutions to Fortune 1000 companies in a wide range of industries with documented success. Our clients currently range from large multinational aerospace & defense corporations, foundries & lumber mills, to electronics assembly and food processing. The business and lean principles we practice, implement and teach can be applied across any organization, department or industry.
We have over 30 years of experience in removing waste from manufacturing floors, corporate offices and existing systems. RCG has been guiding clients through transformations and growth with management consulting and our lean engineering principles. We partner with our customers to rapidly implement leading edge tools, processes and methodologies that enable our customers to become preeminent competitors within each of their industries.
Our teams develop custom training and project implementation models for each client to guarantee a high level of measurable success. We use team-based approaches to create lean cultural change within organizations while creating sustainable improvements. We work collaboratively with clients on assessments, value stream mapping, kaizen's, strategic planning, policy deployment and we provide lean champion training with the use of the train the trainer model.
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Products & Services
Sustainable Improvements , Value Stream Mapping , Lean Cultural Change , Toyota Production System , Supply Chain Management , Corporate Offices , Existing Systems , Benchmarking , Lean Manufacturing , Policy Deployment , Lean Strategy Vision , Continuous Improvement , Lean Champion Training , Lean Engineering Principles , Six Sigma , Custom Training Models , Remove Waste from Manufacturing Floors , Leading Edge Tools , Project Implementation Models , Processes and Methodologies , Transformations and Growth , Organizational Change Management , Management Consulting , Assessments , Quality Systems , Strategic Planning , Lean Enterprise , Kaizen's
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