Company Description
We provide many services for your pets including:
Full service Dog & cat grooming*
Pet daycare
flea bath or dip (pesticide free options available)
Nail trim with grinding at included at no extra charge!
WALK-IN SERVICES** include: available until 2pm:
~Self wash station (there may be a short wait for an available tub unless you schedule ahead of time)
Small - $18.00
Medium - $20.00
Large - $22.00
~Nail clip & grind...$10.00
~Light face or foot trim...$4.00 & up
~Gland expression (external only)...$6.00
*Full Service grooming by appointment.
**walk-in services available until 2pm Tues. thru Sat.
We open at 7:45 and close when we are done with the last pet which could be anywhere from 3:00 or later...we are here for you! Earlier ans later times available by appointment. Pickup and delivery available by appointment. (small fee applies)
Located at 5677 3rd Avenue, Ferndale WA. 98248
Mailing address: P.O. Box 3000, Ferndale, WA. 98248
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Nail trim with grinding , Cat Grooming , Grooming , Self wash station , Pet Daycare , Gland expression (external only) , Pet Grooming Services , Appointment Request , Flea bath or dip (pesticide free options available) , Grooming Services , Groomer , Full service Dog & cat grooming , Light face or foot trim , Petsimonials , Nail clip & grind , Dog Grooming , Pet Groomers
Reviews and Recommendations
(2)Frequently asked questions about Hot Dogz & Kool Catz
What days are Hot Dogz & Kool Catz open?
Hot Dogz & Kool Catz is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Hot Dogz & Kool Catz
Other Locations
Open Hours
- Tuesday07:45AM - 03:00PM
- Wednesday07:45AM - 03:00PM
- Thursday07:45AM - 03:00PM
- Friday07:45AM - 03:00PM
- Saturday07:45AM - 03:00PM
- Mon, SunClosed